I’m a sap. I wear that badge proudly. I cry during Hallmark commercials. I love animals and have four furry friends to prove it. This day put this sappy old woman in quite the quandary . . . how to stay focused (literally!) when you can barely see through your tears! This was my second experience with this wonderful couple. The second time I watched a loving husband quietly encourage his wife. The second time I watched a strong woman bring a new life into this world without any pain medication. Their story isn’t unique, but it is remarkable. It is miraculous. It is a never ending sense of awe and wonder . . . watch as it unfolds . . .
It began about 4am . . . by the time I arrived at the hospital, it was after 1pm. We were all ready . . . been there, done this . . . it’s usually fast! Not this time. Labor progressed slowly . . . and after walking . . . and walking . . . and w a l k i n g. With a team of people beside her, this mother of 4 endured each contraction with strength and grace. Still smiling just moments before delivering. Tired . . . so tired . . . she kept her eye on the goal. Then, as it so often happens, the hours became minutes, and their sweet little tie breaker was here. HE was here!
It was time to tell the world . . . or at least the family! It was time to welcome this new life! Oh, and welcomed he was . . . with joy & excitement, and love . . . so much love!
Ten fingers & ten toes . . . he was here in all his perfection.
Welcome! We certainly rejoice at your arrival! We thank the God that formed you, and who has a plan for every day of your life. As you grow & become the person you were created to be, I hope these memories . . . the memories that aren’t even yours . . . I hope they become part of your life’s story of love. I hope you’ll see the love that was born when you took your first breath & that it will be a familiar place for you. This is only one day in your story, but now it will be Today. Everlasting.
Oh my goodness! What a beautiful story of love, and tenderness! This Mom seems like superwoman! And the new little guy is just precious. Once again, you’ve let the photos do the talking – and they are more powerful than, well – you know . . . 😉 The ones near the middle especially, made me get all choked up!
Very, Very Cool! Treasured memories for sure 🙂
Brings back so many beautiful memories of birthing my own babies. These will be treasures!
This is really so special, great work ♥
Thanks for stopping by!
Love these!